mind vomit
Donnerstag, 26. November 2015
Dienstag, 1. April 2014
If you're going to San Francisco

Hey Folks
It's been quite a while. I just wanted to share some thoughts with you. Been surfing the blog some weeks ago and discovered this post. I was pretty astonished at first because two years ago in this post I wrote that I will move to San Francisco after graduating from uni... And guess what, I am actually going! I'll be working in SF from August on. And I am really looking forward to it. But the point that I want to make is:
If you really want something, you somehow will get it. After reading my two year old post I remembered how real it felt writing about going to San Francisco. I wanted it so hard that I somehow knew I would really be going. I imagined strolling around in the Streets of San Francisco (little note: if you have not seen the series yet, do it - it's a must seen), being all hippy-esk and wearing some flowers in my hair...
One of my loves keeps saying "be careful what you wish for - you might get it"
Samstag, 29. September 2012
Enjoy the Silence
It's been quite a while. Been enjoying the silence the last few months. After having quite a though time at uni I needed to find my "inner peace" (u gotta laugh if you've seen kung fu panda 2).
Montag, 30. Januar 2012
Stressful Times
Hey my loves
Am actually pretty stressed out at the moment. Had my first exams at Uni, which was extremely overwhelming, flabbergasting, fascinating and scary at the same time. After that I'll have plenty of time (well not really but more time than now) for telling you misterious, interesting and world-changing stories... There's actually something really exciting I'll soon be allowed to tell you. Oh and by the way, I'm going to Brighton for holiday! So looking forward to see all the pretty babes again! Hope you're all right and your dreams came a bit closer to realisation...
An ocean of Love and a thousand kisses
Am actually pretty stressed out at the moment. Had my first exams at Uni, which was extremely overwhelming, flabbergasting, fascinating and scary at the same time. After that I'll have plenty of time (well not really but more time than now) for telling you misterious, interesting and world-changing stories... There's actually something really exciting I'll soon be allowed to tell you. Oh and by the way, I'm going to Brighton for holiday! So looking forward to see all the pretty babes again! Hope you're all right and your dreams came a bit closer to realisation...
An ocean of Love and a thousand kisses
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2011
Spent a lovely day with my family outside! We went for a 3 hours hiking tour - from Vals to Zerfreila during which I took the photos above. After a snack we returned to Vals by sledge, which was absolutely hilarious. It took us around one hour. So you can imagine how long the way was. My sledge was an old timer and quite stubborn. I was randomly gliding from the one side of the slope to the other. In addition my lovely dog got freakily crazy by seeing us sledging and started bumping into us. She was just crazily barking around... I had to watch out for not driving into her, which was quite a challenge. Hope you all have a wonderful christmas time!
Lots of love
Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011
Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011
Seriously guys, this is the most amazing invention ever! My first experience I had with the paternoster elevator was at the age of six. I was extremely flabbergasted! It was love at first sight. I pretty like the idea of entering the paternoster without opening a door - you just have to jump into it... Paternoster elevators were quite popular in the first half of the 20th century. They were taken out of service because of the high risk of accidents - falling over when trying to enter the elevator. But guys, wouldn't life be a bit more adventurous having them again? You know, just as an option besides a normal elevator in selected places, such as libraries, museums or places like that. I am freakily in love with paternoster...
lots of love
Samstag, 10. Dezember 2011
Lady Gaga - Marry The Night (Official Video)
I'm not really into Lady Gaga as I prefer natural voices which aren't technically modified, but I do find this clip is rad! Love the surreal trashiness and the homage to the 80ies as I'm a big fan of that decade's music. And gosh, that Lady can dance, which I didn't know at all! It's nice to see here in a way she really looks like (as much as that's possible). She's actually pretty sweet.
Lots of love
Lindsay for Playboy
I love the classiness of the photos. It's like old Playboy photos used to be. Love the homage to Marilyn. Lindsay was photographed by Yu Tsai (as you know, he's one of my favorite photographers). So well done Lindsay and well done Yu. Hopefully, this will lead Lindsay out of her master of disaster lifestyle.
lindsay lohan,
yu tsai
Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011
The Butterfly Circus [Short Film HD]
This is the most beautiful film I've ever seen. I always gotta cry in the last 5 mins. It's so amazing. Seriously! So breathtaking, heart touching - magnificent!
The Butterfly Circus is an american short film produced by Joshua and Rebekah Weigel in 2009. They shot the film with a crew of 150 in San Gabriel Mountain, Riverside, Palmdale and Santa Clarita in South California. It only took them twelve days to film it. The inspiring australian Nick Vujicic who was born without arms or legs received the Best Actor award for his starring performance as "Will" at the Method Fest Independent Film Festival in 2010. Check him out! He is so crazily inspiring. Although I'm not really into religious affairs (he's an international motivational and evangelistic speaker) he really is an inspiration (and has quite a good voice)
lots of love
Montag, 14. November 2011
Digitalism in Zurich
That concert was just awesome! Such as good atmosphere - haven't been dancing for ages (well not really but u know...) and that was really the best concert for ever. All the pretty babes I saw again (two of my best friends I haven't seen for a year)... Yeah it was def a great evening. Oh and I got the new iPhone and I took the video with it - It's such a good quality (for a mobile phone!) I'm stunned.
Had to finish my term paper for uni which was kinda stressful. But finally I got there ... Hope you guys are fine and everything's going well.
Lots of love and an thousand hugs
Donnerstag, 3. November 2011
Alison Scarpulla
The New York-based Alison Scarpulla really came into photography when she was 15. I love her style, which clearly stands out in contemporary photography. Her pictures have a touch of morbidity and psych.. Looking at them is like experiencing a psychedelic trip. What I love about her photography is, that it's not the normal stuff - she's going her own way and is very different from nowadays photography...to see more stunning photos check out her site here.
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