Wouldn't that be nice just living in the australian outbacks or the american countryside, having a livestock farm and enjoying your life in the nature? I'd love to live on a comfortable farm and run a horse breeding. How peaceful would that be? But on the other hand I think the people out there need somebody who wants to change something and to help them, so there's no choice - I have to go and rescue the world and can't build up my own range (Well who knows where I'll be in a few decades. Maybe on a range, with some lovely kids, an adorable man and a horse breeding? xxx
Howdie! Schön wieder was von dir zu lesen. Habe mir schon Sorgen gemacht und wollte dich immer mal anskypen, aber hier ist auch viel los. Hoffe dir gehts gut und du geniesst Brighton. Ich versuche nicht zu viel Zeit verstreichen zu lassen bis zu unserem nächsten Skype treffen;) Alles liebe von deiner Tante und ihrem Kugelbauch!